Saturday, March 13, 2010

Depression Lifting a Little?

Mikaslyn has seemed depressed since she got back from Seattle.  I don't blame her.  Having all those doctors say she is never going to walk and that her hip cannot be repaired depresses me and I wasn't there.  She has been so tired and quiet.  It is difficult to get her to eat or drink.  She is just so down.  Today was a little better.  Alexandra came by to work with her and that definitely lifted her spirits for a while especially playing the guitar.  She was down after that and not interested in anything.  Kristine suggested I read to her.  So I read some of her favorite books.  Her all time favorite I must have read 15 times.  Mikaslyn laugh and giggled and was so happy.  It was wonderful to watch her being herself and happy.  She went to bed happy so I am hopeful tomorrow will be better.


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