Saturday, December 31, 2005

I am Adding Older Stuff so Look at the Archives

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Very Cold

It's 15 degrees today and I am taking Sabrina for a bike ride at Fort Missoula. The wind chill was brutal.

This evening is the Spoon Gordon Christmas Party.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Progress Communicating

Tonight Mikaslyn was very fussy and would not go to sleep. I thought possibly she was hungry but wanted to get her to communicate this if she was. I took a small picture of a plate of food the we are using to indicate hunger / food and showed it to Mikaslyn. After a minute of me telling her I would feed her if she grabbed the picture she reached out and took hold of it. When she did that I gave some more dinner and she ate a lot. She was definitely hungery and communicated it.

That's what we are looking for!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

No more Medicaid!!

Mikaslyn is off Medicaid as she gets no more therapies. What's next?